Adam Reynolds best kicker the game has seen since Lockyer: Immortal


Rugby league Immortal and Brisbane Broncos legend Wally Lewis believes Adam Reynolds has the best kicking game in the NRL since fellow Bronco Darren Lockyer retired from the game more than a decade ago.

Speaking on the Wide World of Sports alongside Lockyer, Lewis pinpointed one moment in Brisbane’s big win over the Melbourne Storm to clinch a preliminary final spot as a turning point in the game.

“Without peeing in your pocket.. you had the best kicking game and Reynolds’ control currently is the best I’ve seen since Locky,” Lewis said.

“It’s been way in front [of everyone else].

“You could just see what it [goal-line drop out] did to the team – it inspired them – they were celebrating, they knew they were pretty much in control of their destiny at that stage.

“That was quite remarkable.

“We were talking about it for ages after the game, just how it inspired his teammates.”

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