‘Pull your head in’: Young NRL players forget where their bread is buttered as Selwyn Cobbo embarrasses himself, club and his head coach





Young stars of the National Rugby League are walking a fine line and might need to take a step back and give themselves a good, hard look in the mirror after yet another rising poster boy of the competition spewed garbage on a podcast about his coach – expecting it never to be picked up by mainstream media.

Many of us understand that we have been “Americanised” – particularly how we consume our sports broadcasts, social media and podcasts.

But NRL players, on a small percentage of their NFL, NBA and MLB counterparts might want to reconsider the next time they go on a third-party podcast, or at the very least, use their brain before they answer a question.

In September last season, utility Brisbane Broncos half Tyson Gamble made headlines by sandbagging his own head coach Kevin Walters (who just so happens to be one of the greatest players the club has ever produced and a former premiership captain).

“Kev’s the coach but Reyno (Broncos halfback and skipper Adam Reynolds) is the go-to man for everybody. If you’ve got a question about the team or footy, you go to him,” Gamble said on the show.

“It’s not a knock on Kev but Reyno has been around for so long.

“Kevvie really understands footy and he’s a good bloke in getting the team up and about but the modern day is so different to the way Kevvie played footy. There are some similarities with how you have to be with attitude and stuff, but Reyno is the mastermind around our attack at the moment.”

A quick Google search on Tyson’s phone would reveal Walters played 237 first grade games for Brisbane, won five premierships (one as skipper), played 11 games for Australia and 23 for Queensland.

26-year-old Gamble mustered 24 games at the Broncos over three seasons, 1 at Wests Tigers in 2018 and is now scrapping for a starting spot at the Newcastle Knights.

Then comes along Selwyn Cobbo.

What do they say?

You don’t shit in your own backyard.

Especially so when part of your job is defending your teammates and your coach.

Yes Cobbo’s comments came from a podcast in October last year but it just doesn’t matter.

They should have never been made.

Who is Cobbo to sit back and talk like that?

He’s barely scratched the surface of his own career, let alone embarrass Kevin Walters or the Broncos.

“He’s a good person, like a good bloke, but I don’t think he’s a good coach,” Cobbo told the the Back of the 135 podcast.

“He’s not the best coach but he’s alright.

“I feel like he’s just a good person but I don’t reckon he’s a coach. Even though he experienced footy, been through all the grand finals and all that but I feel like he’s not a coach. “But he’s a good person, a good bloke and does a lot for the club. But the way he coaches is a bit weird, I guess. He’s a good person though. He’s an alright coach.”

Earth to Selwyn!

You are a professional athlete in a billion dollar sport!

That’s church change elsewhere but not here.

This is your job, mate.

Cobbo backtracked when a media statement was released by the club.

“Kev has taught me a lot since coming into the NRL squad and provided me with great support as I adjusted to the professionalism of NRL,” Cobbo said on the Broncos website.

“I was late to training a few times and instead of cutting me, he educated me and supported me.

“When I felt burnt out late in the year, Kev rested me and when he thought I was ready he gave me more responsibilities.

“I have already contacted Kev to apologise and I’d like to extend that to his family and the whole Broncos club for this unwarranted attention over some silly comments from me.”

If you’re going to go on some obscure podcast at least say something worthy.

All you’ve done is embarrass yourself, your club and your coach.

Pull your head in.


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