1 thought on “Nothing wrong with crackdown on cheating teams but where’s the common sense in our game gone?

  1. Can someone PLEASE tell Andrew Johns and Phil Gould to shut the FVCK up about the current bout of penalties!!!!!!!

    For the last numerous years all we’ve heard is that something has to be done about the penalties given inside the 10 yard zone to slow down play, and here it is, so bitch away boys!!! Can someone please tell me, IF Gould and Johns are right in their assessment of the current crackdown, when will they be happy. The forward pass is an absolute blight on the game at the moment, but I don’t hear a peep out of them about that. So I assume, given their combined rhetoric, they don’t have a problem with the forward pass, so I guess they want to let that one slip. Currently they don’t have a problem with the offside, apparently, so we’ll let that one slip as well. When will they say, enough is enough. The coaches and smarter players, are using the rules to their advantage. Wanna fix the constant whistle blowing, make the players and coaches ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Have the match review committee look at each game after each round, and when a team/player abuses the rules, fine the Club, Coach & player. Continue to flaunt the rules, deduct points. Watch how quickly things change.

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